Older Generation Car Wi-Fi system Susceptible to Hacking

A group of students from KTH has shown that a system, developed by a Northern European company, is prone to cyber attacks by hacking their way in through a dongle. The system uses the mobile network to add Wi-Fi to cars of older models. The students, led by Professor...

EUCAD 2019 – Connected Automated Driving event

The Connected Automated Driving Event was held in Brussels on the 2nd and 3rd of April. Anders Johnson at RISE reported the event. Strong participation On EUCAD 2019 there were excellent participation of DG MOVE, DG RTD, DG CNECT, DG GROW, and EP representative...

IEEE GLOBECOM 2018 Summary

On 9-13 December 2018, IEEE GLOBECOM held in Abu Dhabi, UAE. The event includes several keynote speeches by distinguished speakers from industry, academia and government sectors; panels and forums; technical sessions featuring technical papers extensively reviewed by...

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