This is AutoSec

AutoSec supports the FFI program Electronics, Software and Communication by dissemination and exploitation of the results of projects related to automotive cybersecurity.

FFI – Strategic Vehicle Research and Innovation – is a partnership between the Swedish government and the automotive industry for the joint funding of research, innovation and development. The purpose of AutoSec is to support automotive cybersecurity projects funded by this program by dissemination of the overall program results, as well as other business and research intelligence.


  • Newsletter including news on automotive cybersecurity, including research results of projects funded by Vinnova
  • Evening seminars where research results of automotive cybersecurity projects funded by Vinnova are presented, as well as other interesting news regarding automotive cybersecurity
  • Yearly conference where research results of automotive cybersecurity projects funded by Vinnova are presented

Project partners:

Project partners consist of: RISE Research Institutes of Sweden (coordinator), Chalmers University of Technology, AB Volvo, Scania CV AB, and Volvo Car Corporation.

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