RISE leder gränsöverskridande projekt kring cybersäkerhet för uppkopplade fordon
Utvecklingen inom fordonsindustrin går mot uppkopplade fordon samtidigt som forskningen på området sker ut ett teknikperspektiv. Behoven på samhälls- och individnivå prioriteras inte. Därför går flera bolag inom RISE samman, vänder på utvecklingen och sätter den i ett...
My Personal Insight from EARPA’s Conference in Brussels
Written by Anders Johnson -There will be a lot to do for the cybersecurity and privacy community in the future. The EARPA Conference 2017 debated the future of travel and how mobility systems may be designed. It was discussed how concepts like "MaaS” -...
Calls of Relevance for Cybersecurity and Privacy in the Automotive Sector
A rising interest in the area of cybersecurity and privacy has been spotted in EU. Within the themes of Mobility, Transport and Logistics, several relevant EU-funding opportunities identified by Anders Johnson are presented as follows: Cybersecurity in the Electrical...
Recent Research in Automotive Security and Privacy
Research in automotive security and privacy is keeping on as the leaves turn brown. We have two interesting research from Chalmers to share this time. If you find them interesting, please do not hesitate to contact the authors for a deeper discussion. ...
[New] The slides are up: AutoSec seminar (2) – Trends in Automotive Security and Privacy Research
Tomas Olovsson, associated professor and head of division of Networks and Systems at the department of Computer Science and Engineering at Chamers, presented the research about automotive security at Demostudio. Starting with security problems of cars and the...
FFI AutoSec & HoliSec Conference Catch-up
Conference FFI AutoSec & HoliSec was held on the 7th of September in Gothenburg. Thanks to you who came and shared your ideas with us. Many interesting discussions emerged during the sessions and we received fruitful input from the audience. Hope you all enjoyed...