Conference Recap: TRA 2018, Vienna

At the Transport Research Arena 2018 conference in Vienna, there was a strategic session (among a great number of interesting sessions and presentations) on “Transport and Data Security in a Digital Era”. The session was discussing what way advances in connectivity,...

Tesla Hit by Insider Saboteur Who Changed the Code

Tesla has routed out a saboteur who changed the code on internal products and exfiltrated data to outsiders, damaging company operations and possibly causing a fire, CEO Elon Musk told employees in an email. “I was dismayed to learn this weekend about a Tesla employee...


Here is a report about the VECS: Vehicle Electronics and Connected Services 2018 which was held back in April. Several interesting talks are reported by Chalmers as follows.   ALISSA KNIGHT, BRIER § THORN – PERFORMING RISK ASSESSMENT AGAINST CONNECTED CARS Alissa...

HoliSec is Reporting

Project HoliSec – A Holistic Approach to Improve Data Security – has been officially publishing fruitful results. HoliSec is financed by Sweden’s Innovation Agency Vinnova. The project started already in 2016 and is coming to its end by Mars 2019. The purpose of...

AutoSec Afterwork Seminar, OWASP, and Combitech hosted an afterwork-seminar on the 27th of March at Lindholmen Science Park. There were around 100 people showing interests in the event and we got a profusion of feedback from the audience. A big thank you to all of you that came!...

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