ESCAR EU 2018 Summary
ESCAR EU took place in Brussels in November 2018 and contained several interesting talks. This is a summary of the sessions. Please note that this is an interpretation of the presentations and may differ from the presenter's views. If you would like to have a more...
A Political Agreement Reached on EUs Cyber Security Proposal
This is a key step towards strengthening the European cyber security ecosystem because it enhances the mandate for ENISA and establishes the European cybersecurity certification framework. ENISA’s mandate ECSO will continue to support ENISA in its role of assisting...
ECSO introduced a Cyber Security Market Radar
On the 10th December last year, ECSO (European Cyber Security Organisation) announced officially their ECSO Cyber Security Market Radar through Twitter. The Radar aims to be the latest representation of the European cyber industry and therefore is constantly...
Women4Cyber kicked off in Brussels
Women4Cyber initiative, aiming at increasing of the involvement of women in the development of promotion of European cybersecurity, has kicked-offed in Brussels under the lead of Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society. The initiative was launched...
Want a Tesla Model 3 of your own?
At this year’s Pwn2Own Tesla will open Model 3 to white hat hackers (more information at Forbes, or Techworld if you prefer Swedish). The company will offer a number of bounties adding up to $900, ranging from $35 000 to $250 000 depending on the criticality of the...
Mobility-as-a-Service Introduces Privacy Threats
Drive Sweden Smart Mobility Newsletter reported last week on MIT's new study on privacy threats introduced by MaaS (mobility-as-a-service). The concern originates from the massive amount of data collected through various service operators. Researchers at Massachusetts...