Project HoliSec – A Holistic Approach to Improve Data Security – has been officially publishing fruitful results. HoliSec is financed by Sweden’s Innovation Agency Vinnova. The project started already in 2016 and is coming to its end by Mars 2019. The purpose of HoliSec is to tackle data security in the automotive industry’s development processes, from the concept phase to a completed product.

The project has come a long way with its achievements and many results, both from the industry side and the academy, are officially published on the Autosec project website. At this moment, there is one report that discusses the solution for vulnerabilities of software security and safety, one about risk assessment and another about a reference architecture. Also, two thesis works about the evaluation of the security mechanism and design flaws that induce security threats are published under the frame of the project. Project results have been continually disseminated in the form of conference and journal papers. Three documents about threat analysis can be found under this category on the project website.




Please contact Anne Faxér for questions. 
