Is Automotive Cybersecurity an Issue for The Security of the Nation?

Recently the US congress released an updated version of the bipartisan draft of a new autonomous vehicle bill (unfortunately now halted by the COVID-19 crisis), and interestingly, cybersecurity is emphasised in the new parts of the bill. How come? May it be related to...

ESCAR EU 2019 – Summary

This report was written by Tomas Olovsson, Computer Science and Engineering, Chalmers.  The ESCAR EU conference took place in November and focused on the following topics: quantum cryptography, intrusion and misbehavior detection, the interplay between safety and...

FFI Conference Webpages

Unfortunately, we have some technical problems with the Event page, so the events cannot be displayed properly. As a result, we created separate pages for our readers to retrieve information from the previous FFI conferences. 2019 FFI Conference  2018 FFI Conference ...

HoliSec and beyond – part 2

At the last FFI Automotive Security and Privacy Conference, Katja Tuma presented some of the work that she and her colleagues have done in the past four years (links to documents are available below). The focus of their work was on threat modeling and analysis...

HoliSec and beyond

As the HoliSec project is coming close to its end, we will provide an overview of the research conducted in the project.   At the last FFI Automotive Security and Privacy conference Thomas Rosenstatter presented some of the work that he and his colleagues have...