EARPA is the association of automotive R&D organization that brings together the most prominent independent R&D providers throughout Europe.
EARPAs Cross-cutting expert group for Cyber security released the Position Paper to explain needs and highlight role of EARPA within the area of Cybersecurity and privacy. The Position Paper is structured in accordance with the Swedish Automotive Research Program (FFI) and its strategic sub-program of Automotive Security and Privacy. Working areas are Security engineering; Automation; Connected and Autonomous vehicles; Processes; Dissemination.
Four key research needs are identified and EARPA stresses the importance of further research and development on the following elements: Vehicle as a Cyber-physical entity; Secure vehicle in an unsecure environment; Secured operations in an unsecure environment; Secured ownership in an unsecure environment.
The Position Paper is aligned with European Technology Platforms ERTRAC and ALICE further with The European Green Vehicle Initiative Association EGVIA and other organization such as IRU. Input to the preparation and establishment of PPP ECSO were also given and input for Horizon 2020 upcoming Work Program for 2018-2020 directly through EC’s Directorates DG RTD and DG MOVE.
For more information, contact Anders Johnson.