On 9-13 December 2018, IEEE GLOBECOM held in Abu Dhabi, UAE. The event includes several keynote speeches by distinguished speakers from industry, academia and government sectors; panels and forums; technical sessions featuring technical papers extensively reviewed by peers; workshops, for example, Vehicular Networking and Intelligent Transportation Systems (VENITS) workshop. The VENITS workshop featured 10 presentations by researchers from Germany, Finland, Sweden, Canada, Russia, China, Italy, India, Luxemburg, USA, and Belgium. Every presenter spoke on the topic of vehicular networking and the intelligent transportation systems area. Prof. Balador from RISE SICS Västerås gave a presentation about his recent research entitled “Malicious Node Detection in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning,”. In his presentation, Prof. Balador argued that existing security models lack flexibility and sufficient functionality in capturing the dynamic behaviors of malicious nodes in the highly volatile vehicular communication systems. Therefore, he presented a new trust model with respect to Machine/Deep Learning (ML/DL) to fill the gap in the area of network security by the existing models. The proposed model provides a data-driven approach in solving the security challenges in dynamic networks. This model goes beyond the existing works conceptually by modeling trust as a classification process and the extraction of relevant features using a hybrid model like Bayesian Neural Network that combines deep learning with probabilistic modeling for intelligent decision and effective generalization in trust computation of honest and dishonest nodes in the network.
Regarding security, a tutorial was also presented and focused on blockchain for cyber-physical systems, applications, opportunities and challenges by Salil S Kanhere from University of New South Wales, Australia and Raja Jurdak from University of Queensland, Australia.
Please read the full report here if you are interested in the conference.
The report was written by Ali Balador, RISE.